1. Install DIVI and Woocommerce and extract downloaded files
2. Install DiviCircuit child theme
3. Install Free Plugins
4. Import Divi .json files
5. Import WordPress dummy products (optional)
5. Import Divi page layouts (optional)
How to install and use DiviCircuit child theme
Before you start installing DiviSHOPPER child theme, you should install DIVI and WOOCOMMERCE plugin
- Download and extract Divicircuit files you received with your purchase
- DiviCircuit child theme is packed in file called “”. Upload and activate it through WordPress > Apperance > Themes.
- Optionally, you can import theme options, theme settings, wordpress dummy content and demo products, located in folder called “.json files”
Install free plugins
Ajax Search Lite
TI WooCommerce Wishlist
WC Secondary Product Thumbnail
WooCommerce Product Filter by WooBeWoo
WP Menu Cart
XT WooCommerce Floating Cart
Import Divi .json files
1. Import divi theme options here:
DiviCircuit Theme Options.json

2. Import divi them setting in Divi > Theme customizer, here:
DiviCircuit Customizer Settings.json

3. Import Divi Theme Builder layouts here:

4. Import Divi Layouts to the divi library
DiviCircuit library files.json
5. Optionally, import WordPress dummy products
In WordPress go to Tools > Import > WooCommerce products (CSV) and import “divicircuit.WordPress.xml”
Import Divi page layouts
Additionaly, you can import Divi page layouts for following pages:
- Home
- Contact
- Cart
- Checkout
- My account
- Wishlist
You can find them in a folder called “page layouts” and import them by just drag and dropping the .json file to the visual builder.
Frequently asked questions
How to change theme color
You can change all the colors like you would normaly change them in Divi builder. There are very few colors for free plugins coded in Divi theme options > Custom CSS.
How to disable ADD TO CART button on shop pages
Go to Apperance > Theme editor and select to edit file functions.php. Delete lines 29 to 33.
How to disable product description on shop pages
Go to Apperance > Theme editor and select to edit file functions.php. Delete lines 14 to 27. Optionaly, you can change description lenght. To do that you need to change the number currently set to 200 in line 24.